In order to make your first visit run as smooth as possible, you will have the ability to enter in your own patient information online before you even step in our door!  (This saves approximately 15 minutes of time!)

Here are the steps:

1. Contact  the office at 860-675-9500 to be set up as a new patient and we will give you a PIN#.

2. Next, click here or go to and look for the Medical Record link under the "For Patients" menu. Click on "Medical Records".

3. It will then take you to another screen that will ask for your first name, last name, and PIN#.

4. From there you will need to  answer all the questions and when you are finished it  will say thank you for registering.

5. After completing the last section please go back to and click on patient login under the "For Patients" menu.  Fill out the section that says enter email address and password (The password was the password you created in  the previous section) and click login.

6. You will come to a main screen. Look on the left  hand side for 3 areas. Please fill out:

1) my profile: (patient demographics)

2) required releases

3) required forms: (health history and new case intake) 

7. Complete!!